Today America is the only Superpower in the world. America’s GDP is $20 trillion. Which is the highest in the world. Today America is at the forefront of the world in economic, political, military, science, social etc. Today all the major finance institutions of the world are under the control of America.

Because America gives the most funding to them. In today’s time, no country in the world can compete with America. Let us know how America became so rich. Let’s look at all its aspects.


Ever since America became independent. Since then the US has seen political stability. America has always been a democracy. Political stability is very important for any country. At the same time, America adopted the values ​​of Europe like Fraternity, Freedom, Liberty etc.

From the very beginning, the number of educated people in America has been very high. Those who have imbibed values ​​like democracy, Liberty, Democracy, Fraternity etc. from the very beginning. Which is a big reason for its development.

No one is a native of America. All the outside traders had immigrated to America. And the governments there adopted them, gave them equal rights. He got equal opportunity like American. America is also called the Land of Opportunity. Because of this innovation was born there.


Innovation was greatly promoted in America. Incentives were also given to the people by the government. Because of which today all the inventions happened from America itself. In America, both the left and the right have been political ideologies. Most people in America are liberal and conservative.

Which keep balance. Due to the balance of left and right, there has been political stability in America till now. If America didn’t have Political Stability, America might never have become a Superpower. America will never reach where it stands today. You will find welfare capitalism inside America.

At the same time there will be social liberalism. In America, capital list is given to the people in the open market, so that they can earn money according to their talent. And those who are poor people are also supported. So that they can rise up and compete in the market.

Decentralized Political System

There has been no centralized political system in the United States from the beginning. That is, there has been no political power centralized. America has a decentralized political system, that is, there is a healthy competition among all the states. So that in the end, Entrepreneurship gets promoted.

Because these people fight with each other in a healthy way. Like many states have completely abolished income tax, reformed labor laws and also reformed taxation laws. So that they can attract more and more entrepreneurs and large corporations to their state and get them to invest there.

In the same way, this healthy competition and decentralized political system have played a very important role in making America an economic super power. Along with this, America also started acquiring new lands. Because in the beginning America had very few states.

At the time of independence, he had only 13 states. He bought states like Los Angeles, Taxes, Alaska etc. So that America got possession of the natural resources of that land. America got oil resources in many states. There he extracted that oil by setting up an all refinery. Today he has become self-reliant in the matter of oil.


Talking about the Military, America is also a superpower militarily. America has its own military naval bases in more than 80 countries. Europe was harmed by World War II, while America benefited from it. America made its military demonstration there, after World War Two, that is why America emerged as a Super Power.

And even at the time of World War II, America was very strong militarily. He also had modern weapons. And after World War Two, he spent a lot on his military modernization. During the Cold War, America divided all the countries. He had created his own military organization NATO.


In which all the major powers of Europe had joined it. In this way, most of the powerful countries were in the US camp. Due to which the dominance of USA increased even more. The military budget of USA is 782 billion-dollar. Which is two and a half times more than China.

Along with this, it has its own naval bases in most of the countries of USA and alliances with the power full countries globally. The people of USA have won 371 Nobel Prizes so far.

Entrepreneurs Friendly System

USA’s migration policy is very flexible. Because of which people come here to recognize their talent and work hard accordingly. And give a huge contribution to the economy of USA. Today Jewish dominates the big institutions of America.

An entrepreneurship in the USA has a culture in a way. Entrepreneurship is embedded in the veins of the US. Here if someone does business and fails in it. So in USA it is not discouraged, rather it is encouraged. So that he can start another business again and be successful in it.

Because of this entrepreneurial culture, the world’s largest tech companies Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Apple etc. are all from America. This has been possible only and only because of American culture. America’s financial system is also very supportive, especially equity finance.

It helps a lot of entrepreneurs to scale up their businesses. USA small business administration helps small businesses by giving them loans. If new entrepreneurs want to start a new company, than SBA does guide them from first step. Small local banks also provide loans to new businesses.


America has world’s best Universities. These universities give more focus on practical knowledge than theoretical knowledge. These conduct tech based entrepreneurial activities. Faculty members and professors encourage innovation and creativity. The hardworking and great talent of the world comes to study in these universities.

The working conditions for labour in America is really good. It is because of America’s labour laws and regulations. Those who come to study in America’s world class universities. After completing their degree courses, most of them don’t go back to their countries. They try to get citizenship of America. They work for American companies.

Electricity is the basic need of any country. No country can develop without electricity. The United States have a wealth of Energy. Because of this, all the Economic Activities in the United States could be done consistently.

Due to which the United States became an Economic Super Power. Simultaneously, the ownership of energy, minerals, land etc. was handed over to private people. Due to which there was rapid development. When someone invents something new.

So he is most afraid that someone might steal his formula or idea. The United States introduced patent-related legislation in the 18th century. That is, if someone has invented or has come up with a new idea. So he can patent it, under which his idea or invention is protected. Which no one else can steal.

Science & Tech

Along with this, America is also a super power in science and technology. Most of the high technology in the world is produced in America.  Whether it is a semiconductor chip, which is made by a company called Intel. Semiconductor chips are made in only two-three countries of the world.

But America is a major among them. US semiconductor chip making i have super power. Along with this, if we talk about America’s fighter jets, then they are world class.

America’s F-35 has no break in the world. America is also ahead in the field of computer and pharmaceuticals. The income that America got from its resources, it put all its income in building infrastructure. Today America’s infrastructure is world class.

For any country to make economic progress, it is very important to have good infrastructure. Today America has developed only because of its good roads. Along with this, America comes at number one in all the indexes of the world.

America got a lot of benefit from the Industrial Revolution. New inventions took place in America. Simultaneously, America’s consumerist policy gave a new impetus to America’s economy.

America’s Soft Power

Along with this, how can we forget the soft power of America. America is also a cultural Superpower. America’s Language, Currency, Food, Lifestyle, Culture, Literature, Film and Music are global.

People sitting far away all over the world who never even came to America. He keeps a soft corner towards America only because of America’s soft power. When it comes to the global language, everyone uses English. English is a global language. Along with this, foreign trade is also done with dollars. Foreign trade is not possible without dollars.

Dollar has become a global currency. In this way we can say that the United States of America is considered a Super Power because of its Size, Population, Natural Resources, Human Capital etc.


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