Why did the Renaissance begin?

The Renaissance first took place in Europe, especially in Italy because there was a lot of prosperity there. His cities were located on the seashore. Because of this, he was able to make them a sea port city.


Europe came into contact with Asia in the seventh century. Which gave him a lot of exposure. Suddenly the demand for luxury goods increased. Simultaneously, Agricultural Production also improved. Due to which the methods of production also improved.

Due to this the Economic condition of the farmers also improved and they also started buying Non-Agricultural goods. When people’s wealth increased, people started building new towns. Merchants started living in these new towns. The number of artisans also started increasing.

He also started living in these cities. This city developed throughout Europe. These cities developed on the seashore because there they got seaport for doing business.

Art and culture also got a lot of boost during this time. However, most of the cities developed in Italy. Because Italy got the advantage of its Geographical Location. Cities adjoining the seashore developed more in Italy. These became seaport cities.

Along with trade, demand also increased. This led to the emergence of new methods of production. At that time the gilt system became very popular. Italy got the most benefit from this.

Because most of the prosperity came in Italy due to trade. Italy was not even under feudal control. Italy was free from this. Italy has established a kind of monopoly over trade.

Capitalist Economy

When trade increased, the wealth of the people also increased. People created wealth on a large scale. New towns were established for their stay. Now this class living in the new town, which used to trade, came to be known as the middle class. If seen in today’s time, it is a backbone of any country.

Most of the people in this middle class were businessmen. who were free from feudal control. The economy in these towns used to be money based. The influence of these traders was increasing day by day in every field.

This merchant class also traded with East and Asia. Due to which new groups were introduced in Europe, such as spices and agricultural related items. These cities had a cash based economic system.

The life of the people living here used to revolve around money. These people gave up traditional farming. Started cultivating that type more, which would make them more profitable. That is, they started cultivating cash crops. This is called wealth capital. That’s the beginning of the capitalist economy.

Renaissance and It’s Key Areas

The Renaissance started from the 14th century. Renaissance first took place in Italy. As we all know, there was a lot of prosperity in Italy because of trade. So it first happened in Italy. After that the Renaissance spread to the rest of Europe. Renaissance means rebirth i.e. born again.

That is, people again started reading and knowing about ancient Greece, Rome and old scriptures. We can say that the old scriptures of Rome were born again. Soon the Renaissance turned into a movement. In which new ideas were included, such as Philosophy, Science, Literature, Religion and Art. 

Because of the Renaissance, people started reading their old scriptures. Because of which those people started getting self-realization. People started rejecting the views of the Church. Due to which the influence of the church in the life of the people started decreasing.

The discussion always used to talk that if people are unhappy in this world, then they will get happiness after death. On the contrary, Renaissance thinkers said that people should be happy only on this earth. Whatever gives them happiness, they should try to get it.

Focus On Rationality

The entire focus of Renaissance was on humanity. He believed that people should study man and nature. He rejected outright all thoughts beyond this world or after death. He paid full attention to the happiness and sorrows of the people who are living at this time. Renaissance was a new ideology, which did not believe in superstitions at all. He was a very logical thinker.

Its influence was also seen on art and culture. As he portrayed Mary and Jesus as just ordinary human beings. Major artists like Raphael, Da Vinci became even more famous. These people made their important contribution.

The Renaissance encouraged literature in the local language of Europe. Due to which the linguistic development of the people took place. Along with this the consciousness of the people also developed.

The biggest day of the Renaissance was secularism. It was because of the Renaissance that religion was separated from political matter. Prince Machiavelli gave a new concept to the state. Which was kept above religion. The printing press was invented in the 15th century.

So that new ideas and education spread easily. The biggest impact of this was on those people who were intellectual. Which was an educated class. It had little effect on the poor as they were illiterate.


The Scientific Revolution also started in the 18th century. Who rejected all the religious theories outright. Consider only those which have been proved through scientific observation. That is, the hypothesis was tested through experiments. Along with this, many new theories also came to the fore.

As Copernicus discovered that the earth rotates on its axis. He also introduced the sun Centric Theory. Where did the earth revolve around the sun? But the Church used to say that our Earth is the center of the universe. Galileo invented the telescope. He did this feat in 1554. He used it to study the Galaxy, that is, galaxies.

At the same time, Newton gave his theory and said that all the heavenly bodies move according to the law of gravity. Meanwhile, a lot of work was done on medical science as well. Harvey told about blood circulation. Astrolabe, compass and better ships etc. were also invented.

Meanwhile, in the 15th century, new lands were also discovered. It was because of the Renaissance that a new movement like enlightenment started. Renaissance itself paved the way for enlightenment.

What we see today in Europe is the innovative, creative ideas of people. This is all due to Renaissance. Renaissance has acted as a seed for Europe. People are getting the fruits of which even today. It was because of Renaissance that the foundation of things like innovation, creativity, new ideas, inventions etc. was laid in Europe. Which continues to this day. That is, Renaissance acted as a base for the people of Europe.


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