Australopithecus Africanus 5000000 BC to 3000000 BC. These were the earliest ancestors of humans. Its archaeological evidence is found only in Africa. He was confined to Africa only. These people knew how to use hands free. Africa was the original homeland of humans. Africa is also known as the Cradle of Humankind.

Two theories are prevalent to know the evolution and development of humans. The first is the unitary origin theory and the second is the parallel origin theory. According to the Unitarian Origin Theory, humans evolved from Homo Erectus Africa.

After that those people migrated to different places of the world. He settled in this way on different areas of the earth. Whereas according to the parallel origin theory, the man who is today evolved parallel to Homo Erectus . Meaning that both Homo Erectus and today’s human evolved at the same time.

Charles Darwin said that the living forms that do exist all had a degree of similarity. All life forms had similarity and lifeforms have evolved gradually. According to Darwin, people who were fit in that environment at that time were able to do more progeny.

He called it natural selection. Alfred Wallace was a naturalist who worked on the subject. He too had similar ideas. All existing lifeforms share common ancestors. Fossils Found in Rocks of Life Forms.

Professor Raymond discovered the skull fossil, which was of a 5 to 6 year old baby. It was found in the rocks of the Tuang region of Africa. Evidence tells that he used to hunt with stones. His cranial capacity was very less. His face was of U shape. If we talk about eyebrows, then there was little eyebrows on his face. 

The shape of his body was of complete erect posture. Their forelimbs were shorter than the hind limbs. There was bipedal locomotion. The structure of their teeth was like that of humans. The vertebral column was with a distinct lumbar curve. 

Homo Erectus/Pithecanthropus

Homo Erectus is also called Pithecanthropus. It was between 30 lakh BC to 1 lakh BC. These were the early biped humans. Their archaeological evidence has been found in Africa, Asia, Europe etc. Their fossils have also been found in India, they have been found near the Hathnora Narmada.

Hathnora is a village situated on the banks of river Narmada in Madhya Pradesh. He migrated to Africa, Asia and Europe. They got geographical distribution in Africa, Asia and Europe. These people discovered fire.

Homo Sapiens Neanderthals

Homo Sapiens Neanderthals were found between 100,000 BC and 40,000 BC. Nomenclature is named after the Neander Valley in Germany. Their archaeological evidence has been found in Africa, Asia and Europe.

They had a very large geographical distribution which was Africa, Asia and Europe. These were the first human beings who started burning their dead bodies.

Homo Sapiens Cro Magnon

Homo Sapiens Cro Magnon 40000 BC to 10000 BC. It is the latest ancestor of modern men. Their archaeological evidence is found all over the earth. Their geographical distribution is found almost all over the earth. Of these, 3 original human races evolved out of which one is Caucessoid, the other is mongoloid, the third was negroid.


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