Who likes to walk nowadays? There is hardly anyone who likes to walk. Just think, when was the last time you walked 500 meters out of the boundary wall of your house? This run-of-the-mill life made us forget to even walk.

The condition is that if it ever comes to walk, then the condition will get worse. We have made our body so comfortable that it has no capacity to bear the slightest pain.

We have protected our feet with Soft, Padded Shoes, Slippers and Sandals to such an extent that the soles are now fragile. Due to the disenchantment of people with soil and land, problems like joint pain, back pain, deteriorating body balance have started to arise.

These reasons have a direct effect on our mental level. If you want to remove stress in life, remove negativity from the body, avoid suffering from joint pain, body pain and balance problem after a long time, then once a week, only once, walk for 500 meters, Get into the habit of walking barefoot.

Apart from walking on soft grass early in the morning, you can also walk on mud or sand. If you start walking on grass on grass for 15-20 minutes daily, then you will get many benefits.

According to the American Heart Association, walking like running is also good for the heart. It increases circulation in the heart, lowers cholesterol and keeps blood pressure stable.

Eyesight will be Better

According to the Science of Reflexology, when we walk, there is maximum pressure on the second and third fingers of our feet. Both of these have maxillary nerve endings, which stimulate the functioning of your eyes.

With the help of these points, the eyesight is improved. Apart from this, seeing green grass also gives relief to the eyes. Therefore walking barefoot on green grass will prove beneficial for the eyes.

Reduced Risk of Diabetes

On hearing the name of diabetes, panic starts. The more dangerous this name sounds, the easier it is to control it in the beginning. Diabetes does not mean the end of a normal life.

If you take care of it from the beginning, then you can lead a normal life despite having diabetes. According to 2020 data from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), 463 million people worldwide have been diagnosed with diabetes.

A research has revealed that the amount of glucose in the body of people who walk is 6 times more than that of those who run. It also reduces the risk of diabetes.

It is considered very good for diabetics to sit, walk and watch among the greenery. In such people, no wound heals easily, but if a diabetic patient walks among the greenery with regular deep breathing, then the problem can be overcome due to the supply of oxygen in the body.

Get Rid of Stress

In this run-of-the-mill life, if you are also living a stressful life. So surely you too must be wanting to get rid of stress. If you start spending only 20 minutes in the fresh air with nature every day, then it will definitely reduce your stress.

A recent study suggests that walking for at least 20 minutes a day or sitting in the open air where you can get a feel for nature can help reduce your stress hormone levels significantly.

Even walking barefoot on the grass in the morning keeps the mind calm. In the morning fresh air, sunlight, greenery refreshes the mind. By living in this environment, you stay away from a lot of relaxation and depression.

A walk in the fresh air will not only bring down your stress level, but it is also beneficial for your overall health. Studies show that to rapidly bring down the level of the stress hormone cortisol, you should spend 20 to 30 minutes 2-3 times a day with fresh air or nature that gives you positive emotions and thinking.

Nature can be a low-cost natural way to reduce the growing health problems and negative health effects of urbanization.

Lungs will Get Enough Oxygen

Walking increases the flow of oxygen in the body. This strengthens our lungs. This not only makes the lungs healthy but also prevents diseases. Any kind of viral infection affects your lungs the most. So going on a walk is a great option.

Heart will be Happy by Walking

Professor Pamela Stewart Fah of Binghamton University in New York said, “We know that walking is good exercise, but research has shown how walking can alter biological markers such as cholesterol, weight, blood pressure.”

Researchers have found that walking moderately can improve the risk of heart disease in a short period of time. For the study, a group of 70 women were tested in a community walk program. Walking daily reduces the risk of heart attack. At the same time, it also reduces the risk of coronary heart disease.

This also increases the ability to exercise daily. Apart from this, it also increases the immunity of the body. According to the American Heart Association, walking like running is also good for the heart. It increases circulation in the heart, lowers cholesterol and keeps blood pressure stable.

Mind will Be Fit

Walking also gives you relief from mental fatigue. According to studies, walking increases endorphins (hormones present in the brain and nervous system) and decreases stress levels.

This improves brain health and lowers the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia. Walking daily boosts your memory and helps you maintain brain health.

Research suggests that walking increases brain activity, which improves episodic and spatial memory. To keep your mind fresh and fresh, also celebrate those moments which bring happiness in your life. This will relieve you from stress and you will feel refreshed and refreshed.

Immune System will Be Boosted

Walking daily also boosts our body’s immune system. A research related to this provides information that walking for 2030 minutes daily can increase the oxygen level in the body. It may also improve heart rate and increase blood count.

In this way, the immune system can be strengthened through walking. The pure air that comes from walking makes all the systems strong by entering the lungs and the body. Walking strengthens our body’s immune system. This increases the ability to fight against any disease.


Walking is also an art. Everything has importance and joy in life. In the same way, enjoy the walk to the fullest. Look at the lush green trees standing around you who are more intelligent and younger than you.

Enjoy the fresh and pure air and feel it. Sing once in a while from the heart whichever song you like the most. Always keep your mouth closed while walking because even the lungs do not enjoy your walk due to incomplete breath.


Many times it has been seen that some people have had a heart attack due to walking or running. If you have any kind of problem then consult a doctor. Do not tire the body too much while walking. Walk as much as possible, which increases the slight heat in the body.


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