Copper utensils are considered a natural disinfectant. Water kept in a copper vessel is very good for heart, kidney and eyes. Water from a copper vessel helps in curing diseases related to your stomach and throat to a great extent by balancing the three doshas – Vata, Kapha and Pitta. Anti-aging effects are also found in copper utensils which help in keeping your body young. Drinking water kept in a copper vessel on an empty stomach benefits the body a lot.

Effective for many problems related to the Body

Water kept in a copper vessel can be useful in curing many diseases related to the body naturally. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are all balanced in the body by drinking water kept in a copper vessel. However, for this it is necessary that water should be kept in the copper vessel for at least 8 hours.

Water kept in a copper vessel does not become stale quickly and remains fresh for a long time. Water kept in a copper vessel reacts chemically with copper. Due to which it has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. It proves helpful in curing many types of diseases.

According to a research, 99 percent of E-coli bacteria can be eliminated on copper surfaces in just 2 hours. If water is kept in a copper vessel for a long time, copper ions get into the water. Copper ions are capable of killing microorganisms especially bacteria in the water.

Salmonella Typhi, Salmonella Typhimarium and Vibrio cholerae are neutralized by keeping water in a copper vessel for at least 24 hours. Keep the water in a copper vessel for at least 24 hours and then drink it, the natural cleaning of the water will be done, water-borne diseases will be controlled and it will also maintain good health.


Water from a copper vessel helps in curing diseases related to your stomach and throat to a great extent by balancing the three doshas – Vata, Kapha and Pitta. However, for this it is necessary that water should be kept in the copper vessel for at least 8 hours.

  • Strengthens Digestion System

Copper works to detoxify the stomach, liver and kidneys all in our body. It has such properties that kill the bacteria that harm the stomach, due to which there is never any ulcer and infection in the stomach. Along with this, copper also prevents stomach related diseases like acidity and gas. That is why every morning on an empty stomach, drink a big glass of water kept in a copper vessel.

  • Helpful in Quick Wound Healing

The anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties present in copper help in quick healing of any kind of wound and wound. Copper stimulates the immune system and makes new cells, due to which wounds heal faster. Not only this, it is also beneficial in curing the pain of arthritis and also balances the secretion of the thyroid gland, while it can be beneficial in removing anemia and reducing cholesterol.

  • Beneficial For Skin

The anti-oxidants present in copper help in eliminating the fine lines and freckles of the face. It creates a protective layer on the skin by protecting it from the biggest reason for increasing fine lines i.e. free radicals, due to which you stay young for a long time.

  • Helpful in Sharpening the Mind

Drinking water kept in a copper vessel increases the memory power of the brain. Copper stimulates the brain and helps keep it active. This keeps the mind completely fresh.

  • Cleanses Kidney-Liver

Drinking water kept in copper keeps the liver and kidney healthy along with internal cleansing of the body. Apart from this, it is also effective in removing any kind of infection occurring in the body.

How To Use

It will get the right benefit only when you use it properly. To take full advantage of this, water has to be kept in it 8 hours before. That’s why people sleep at night after filling water in a copper vessel, so that they can drink this water first thing in the morning.

  • Choose a glass or bottle that is made entirely of copper. If other metals are mixed in it, then you will not get the full benefit of using copper.
  • Use lemon or Pitambari to wash copper utensils. Do not use any Dishwashing soap for this, as it can be very harmful.
  • Keep water in your vessel at night so that you can drink it on an empty stomach after waking up in the morning. The water may taste a bit metallic in the beginning but you will get used to it with time. Besides, there is nothing better than a glass of clean, cold water to energize the body first thing in the morning.

What not to do with copper utensils?

  • Water should be drunk only twice a day at most from a copper vessel. Experts recommend giving your body a gap of one month after using copper utensils for three consecutive months.
  • Food should not be cooked in copper utensils. Cooking in copper utensils can lead to leakage of copper in our food and in our system. If you have lost too much copper in your body, you may experience nausea and diarrhea.
  • Always keep copper utensils on a table or kitchen platform. You will get more benefit from this.
  • Special care should be taken when cleaning utensils made of copper.


Drinking water kept in copper is beneficial for health, but keeping sour things like curd, vinegar, pickle, lemon in a copper vessel can harm our body. Actually, there is copper metal in copper utensils, which reacts when mixed with many things, due to this reaction, food poisoning can occur.

  • Yogurt is considered very beneficial for health. If you consume Yogurt in a copper vessel then it can harm your health. Because curd has many properties which can react with copper. Therefore, copper utensils should not be used for Yogurt 
  • Do not drink lemonade in a copper vessel even after forgetting because doing so can prove to be very harmful for your health. Lemon contains acid which, when combined with copper, has the opposite effect on health. If you drink lemonade in a copper glass, then you may have problems with gas, stomach pain, vomiting etc.

The information and information given in this article is based on general information. Times Square Host does not confirm these. Before implementing these, consult the concerned specialist.


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